WOrshipful Brother Zhang installs his Appointed officers.
We were challenged by Ancient York Lodge of Nashua, NH to an Axe Throwing Match. It was close but we won.
Both Ancient York Lodges.
The infamous Watsons.
Murder Mystery Night. The Ladies.
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The Rookie Award recipients of Ancient York Lodge with Grand Master Harvey Waugh
The newest Fellow Crafts of Ancient York Lodge.
The newest brothers of Ancient York Lodge.
Worshipful Brown receives a certificate of appreciation from Grand Lodge for his work as District Service Officer.
Worshipful Miller receives his Past Master's Certificate.
The newest Fellow Crafts of Ancient York Lodge.
The Rainbow Girls Fun Degree
The newest Entered Apprentices of Ancient York Lodge.
Ancient York Lodge had the honor of dining with some of the Widows of the men of our Lodge now serving in the Celestial Lodge Above.
The newest Master Masons of Ancient York Lodge.
Ancient York Lodge has chosen these men to serve as Officers for the upcoming year.
The newest Fellow Crafts of Ancient York Lodge.
The Senior Deacon with his new Craftsmen.
The newest Entered Apprentices of Ancient York Lodge.
Brother G Edward Brown receives the Master Mason Rookie Award.
Worshipful Colburn and Brother Burns escorted by RW Fredrick Corthel. Brother Burns received his 50 yesr Mason pin. Worshipful Colburn received his 70 year Mason pin and 50 years as a Past Master.
Worshipful Miller accepts a plaque with photographs of our Grand Lodge Officers for the Lowell Masonic Building.
The newest Master Masons of Ancient York Lodge
Fantasy Football (Raising money for charity)
Christmas Party (Mr. Waterhouse entertaining)
Our newest Master Masons (November 2011)
Widows Dinner (Wives of our departed brothers)
Worshipful Timothy Miller installed as Master
Grand Masters Fair (Most Worshipful)
Frisbee Golf Charity
Installation of Officers - June 2011
Rookie Reward Recipient John Ruggiero, Jr.